Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thing 13

Which start page did you choose? Why did that one appeal to you? Will you make it your permanent home page?
I choose igoogle page. Liked the banner across the top. I made it a home page tab at home but will not be able to make it a home page at work. We are limited to what we can do to the library at work.

Did you find a tool that has some uses for you at the library or at home? Which tool(s) would you recommend to others?
I will be using one of the list makers for work just not sure which one right now but I alway have a to do list going. Will have too see which one works best for me. Also already use the sticky notes to the desk top at work. As the newst upgrade our it dept put it on my new computer. And we love it!!
How can the online calendars be useful to you?

I am not sure how much of a time saver this would be as I already have calendar on my Q and then the big desk calendar for staff.
What about the to-do lists—helpful, too much work…?


GGalles said...

I'm trying to do some catching up at reading some of the 23 things NLLN blogs. You have some great entries. Gives me some incentive to keep working on mine.

I have settled on iGoogle as a personal home page. I keep a lot of work things there also. It is a bit difficult to decide how all these things work together.

Lots of options with iGoogle and I think there will continue to be many external applications that integrate with iGoogle.

Keep up the good work.

shaw said...

I am having lots of fun with these, just wish I had more time to work on them. I really need to work some more this week on them - kind of stopped and hard to get going again!!